
Family Engagement

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JCC East Bay 1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley, CA, United States

Experience the rhythmic fusion of Jewish and Latin traditions with Verónica Freidkes, our creative musician, child educator, and Argentinian singer. Together, through joyful singing and movement, we’ll embrace our shared cultural bond in this lively musical rendezvous. We will be getting ready for Tu B'Shvat with songs, crafts, and special snacks! Tailored especially for families…


Hebrew-Speaking Mom’s Group

JCC East Bay 1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley, CA, United States

Hebrew speaking mothers are invited to join us for a morning gathering. This new parenting group will be facilitated in Hebrew and dedicated to issues regarding parenting and living abroad. Our January session will focus on how to cultivate homey environments where we live. These meetings are geared towards mothers of toddlers, babies, and expecting…


Family Tu B’Shvat

JCC East Bay 1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley, CA, United States

Let's plant a tree.... It’s Tu B'Shvat! Join us for an afternoon of celebration, exploration, and creativity as we celebrate the birthday of the trees with Camp Tawonga, Eden Village West, and Berkeley Moshav. Explore the Jewish value of Caring of the Earth - Shmirat ha-adamah with nature-based crafts, tree and seed planting, recycling projects, fruit sampling,…


Hebrew-Speaking Mom’s Group

JCC East Bay 1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley, CA, United States

Hebrew speaking mothers are invited to join us for a morning gathering. This new parenting group will be facilitated in Hebrew and dedicated to issues regarding parenting and living abroad. Our February session will focus on the importance of our relationships with our children. These meetings are geared towards mothers of toddlers, babies, and expecting…



JCC East Bay 1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley, CA, United States

Experience the rhythmic fusion of Jewish and Latin traditions with Verónica Freidkes, our creative musician, child educator, and Argentinian singer. Together, through joyful singing and movement, we’ll embrace our shared cultural bond in this lively musical rendezvous. We will be getting ready for Purim with songs, games, crafts, and special snacks! Tailored especially for families…


Purim Carnival!

JCC East Bay 1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley, CA, United States

Let's celebrate Purim! Join us at the JCC East Bay along with Camp Tawonga, Eden Village West, Jewish Gateways, and Berkeley Moshav for a fun-filled afternoon. Costumes are encouraged! We'll have: ✅ Carnival games ✅ Crafts ✅ Face painting ✅ Hamantaschen ✅ Mishloach manot ✅ Purim spiel Plus, a very special kids’ talent show! _________________________________…


JCC East Bay 1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley, CA, United States

Experience the rhythmic fusion of Jewish and Latin traditions with Verónica Freidkes, our creative musician, child educator, and Argentinian singer. Together, through joyful singing and movement, we’ll embrace our shared cultural bond in this lively musical rendezvous. We will be getting ready for Passover with songs, crafts, and special snacks! Tailored especially for families with…



JCC East Bay 1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley, CA, United States

It’s our final session of ¡Cantamos! for the 2024-25 season, you don't want to miss it! Experience the rhythmic fusion of Jewish and Latin traditions with Verónica Freidkes, our creative musician, child educator, and Argentinian singer. Together, through joyful singing and movement, we’ll embrace our shared cultural bond in this lively musical rendezvous. Tailored especially for families…


Hebrew-Speaking Mom’s Group

JCC East Bay 1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley, CA, United States

Hebrew speaking mothers are invited to join us for a morning gathering. This new parenting group will be facilitated in Hebrew and dedicated to issues regarding parenting and living abroad. Our May session will focus on our motherhood as Israelis in the USA. These meetings are geared towards mothers of toddlers, babies, and expecting mothers.…
